About the Journal
In the context of the sustainable development of the field of law, carrying out research studies from the perspective of interdisciplinary and/or comparative law contributes to the understanding of the legislative process, legal professions, existing mechanisms in justice, jurisprudence in various state fields. Thus, we do not propose that the studies that we will publish over time contribute to the common planetary effort to ensure a climate of safety and freedom around us, in the sense that they do not refer to several objectives contained in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, namely : Object 16 "Peace, Justice and Effective Institutions", Object 4 "Quality Education", Object 3 "Health and Welfare".
Objective: The International Journal of Legal and Social Order (IJLSO) has as its general objective the publication of articles in the field of law aimed at international visibility both through the scientific profile of the authors and through the subject we want to be elaborated both from a legal perspective, as and how much of education through the theoretical and/or practical component of preventing and/or combating delinquent acts/crimes.
At the same time, we aim to publish articles in the field of law, pursuing international visibility both through the scientific profile of the authors and through the topics addressed, which we do not try to select according to the interest they present to the international scientific community.
IJLSO appears under the auspices of the SARA Law Research Center through the care of the magazine's board members. Please get that there is no charge for participating in registering, publishing, reading or downloading articles.
The International Journal of Legal and Social Order is owned and funded by the SARA Legal Research Center.
DISCLAIMER: The authors of the article appearing in the International Journal of Legal and Social Order are/are solely responsible for its content.
Frequency: 1 show per year (December of the director year)
Journal in English.
There are no fees for publishing or reading the full article.No 1/2024 IJLSO will include articles by which the authors will research topics that can be included in the revised sections.
Section: Law
Protection of human personality by criminal means. current regulations on trafficking and exploitation of vulnerable persons, as well as crimes against sexual freedom and integrity.
Legal rules and technical standards in the process of integration of artificial intelligence in law
Old customary law - legal theory and history from a comparative perspective
The role of customary law in light of the challenges in today's society
The referendum and its political accountability potentialities in current representative democracies
Online fraud and cyber crime
Public administration in the field of procedural rights of accused persons in criminal proceedings
Public administration in the background of the sustainable development of Romania and European Union countries
Personal safety. The social capital. Legal framework, financial resources and efficient institutional construction
Justice and good governance for efficient institutions
Section: Social orderIntelligence and security
Limiting the phenomenon of poverty and social exclusion optimizing the quality of life
Predictive analysis in behavioral psychology - applications in polygraph assessment, personality assessment and antisocial tendencies
IJLSO is archived in OJS/PKP, Crossref, CEEOL.
ISSN 2810 – 4188 (Tipărit)
ISSN 2821 – 4161 (Online)
ISSN-L 2810 – 4188
IJLSO este indexat în:
KVK - Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog
Index Copernicus/ICI Journals Master List baza de date pentru 2022.
Co-editors for issue 1/2024, IJLSO:
IANCU Elena-Ana, SARA Law Research Center/"Aurel Vlaicu" University in Arad, Romania
PAVEL Tal, Founder and Director - Institute for Cyber Policy Studies, Israel
Co-editors for issue 1/2023, IJLSO:
IANCU Elena-Ana, SARA Law Research Center/"Aurel Vlaicu" University in Arad, Romania
CARBONE Vincenzo, UNINT University of International Studies in Rome, Italy
Co-editors for issue 1/2022, IJLSO:
IANCU Elena-Ana, SARA Law Research Center/"Aurel Vlaicu" University in Arad, Romania
VARADI-CSEMA Erika, University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law, Hungary