Rights of workers to disconnect globally


  • Mihaela Agheniței Department of Administrative Sciences and Regional Studies, Faculty of Law, and Administrative Sciences, "Dunărea de Jos" University in Galati




law, principle, program, professions.


The rights and principles for the digital decade, published by the EU Commission, Parliament and Council (European Declaration, 2023) are part of the statement that explicitly mentions the right to disconnection in its section on fair and just working conditions, where it is mentioned that the EU pledged to "ensure that everyone will be able to disconnect and benefit from guarantees of work-life balance in a digital environment".

However, in my opinion, it is a little too much to include this legislative power in the universal rule of law, because the rule of law is the highest general rule that summarizes social practice and guarantees the balance between the observance of rights and the fulfillment of rights. of duties. or if they are professions that require self-discipline, such as a investigating magistrate and a judicial police officer, they must complete an on-site investigation as quickly as possible, or a transparent agent to ensure that they are out. business hours.

Author Biography

Mihaela Agheniței, Department of Administrative Sciences and Regional Studies, Faculty of Law, and Administrative Sciences, "Dunărea de Jos" University in Galati

Department of Administrative Sciences and Regional Studies, Faculty of Law, and Administrative Sciences, "Dunărea de Jos" University in Galati


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How to Cite

Agheniței, M. . (2023). Rights of workers to disconnect globally. International Journal of Legal and Social Order, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.55516/ijlso.v3i1.127




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