The effects of inheritance on the financial– Security of People in China and Romania


  • Laura Dumitrana Rath-Boșca "Agora" University of Oradea



inheritance, financial security, economy, China, Romania, succession law, patrimony


Mircea Eliade said that "We are all immortal, but we must die first". Man is a transitory being that perishes through death. From a legal point of view, the passing away of every man is equal to his disappearance as a subject of law. Only his heritage remains.

As M. Grimaldi also pointed out "under penalty of anarchy and immobility, it could not be said of a dead person, as of a void act, that he is considered to have never existed: his acquisitions, his obligations cannot be made tabula rasa".

Succession is a way by which an individual can ensure, after his death, the well-being of the family and beyond, thus improving the financial situation of those who are at the succession table.


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How to Cite

Rath-Boșca, L. D. . (2023). The effects of inheritance on the financial– Security of People in China and Romania. International Journal of Legal and Social Order, 3(1).


