The effects of inheritance on the financial– Security of People in China and Romania
inheritance, financial security, economy, China, Romania, succession law, patrimonyAbstract
Mircea Eliade said that "We are all immortal, but we must die first". Man is a transitory being that perishes through death. From a legal point of view, the passing away of every man is equal to his disappearance as a subject of law. Only his heritage remains.
As M. Grimaldi also pointed out "under penalty of anarchy and immobility, it could not be said of a dead person, as of a void act, that he is considered to have never existed: his acquisitions, his obligations cannot be made tabula rasa".
Succession is a way by which an individual can ensure, after his death, the well-being of the family and beyond, thus improving the financial situation of those who are at the succession table.
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