Recognition and enforcement of judgments delivered in member states of the European Union
recognition, procedure ,decision.Abstract
Recognition is the process by which the authority of a foreign judgment is established, i.e. the effects of a foreign judgment are allowed to take effect in the territory of the State addressed. The concept of foreign judgment includes both contentious and non-contentious acts. The authority from which it emanates is irrelevant. Foreign judgments may be court judgments, authentic instruments or court settlements (which are assimilated to authentic instruments). In Romania recognition is allowed either by operation of law or by court decision, subject to certain specific conditions. The regulations contained in the Code of Civil Procedure on the recognition of foreign judgments usually apply to judgments from non-EU countries. In order to produce legal effects, the foreign judgment must be recognized and enforced, which is not automatically done through recognition.
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Internet sources
*** - Civil Procedure Code - Adopted by Law no. 134 of July 1, 2010, republished pursuant to art. XIV of Law no. 138/2014 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 134/2010 regarding the Civil Procedure Code;
Code of Civil Procedure-Adopted by Law No 134 of 1 July 2010, republished pursuant to Article XIV of Law No 138/2014 amending and supplementing Law No 134/2010 on the Code of Civil Procedure;
*** http/ oanatanasica, ISSN 2393-3445.
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