mediation, mediator, legal framework, Mediation CouncilAbstract
Due to the favorable international context for the promotion and development of alternative methods of dispute resolution, mediation has also established itself in our country as an important element of the judicial reform strategy. The classic resolution of the conflict by going to court does not always appear as a covert response to the needs of the parties involved.
The prolonged health crisis has repercussions in the already existing crisis of the judicial system - the high number of cases encumbering the activity of the courts, therefore, in these times any solution is welcome for the effective resolution of disputes between participants in legal relations.
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***, Law no. 1/2011 of the national education published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 18 of January 10, 2011.
***, Law no. 192/2006 on mediation and organization of the mediator profession, published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 441 of 22.05.2006.
***,, The Mediation Council, The statute of the mediator profession, accessed on 08.09.2021, time 10.00.
***, Decision of the Constitutional Court no. 266/2014 published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 464 of 25 June 2014.
***, Directiva 2008/52/CE a Parlamentului European şi a Consiliului privind anumite aspecte ale medierii în materie civilă și comercială publicată în Jurnalul Oficial al Uniunii Europene nr. L 136, din 24.05.2008.
***, Decizia Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție nr. 33/2019 publicată în Monitorul Oficial al României nr. 144 din 24 februarie 2020.