A jurisprudential analysis regarding the sanctioning of the violation of the protection order crime from the perspective of legislative evolution
protection order (OP); provisional protection order (PPO); domestic violence; the offence of violating the protection order and that of the provisional protection orderAbstract
At the phenomenon of domestic and couple violence has generated in recent decades, both at global, European and national level, a multitude of debates in the public space, aimed at both highlighting the phenomenon and the most appropriate measures to adopt in order to limit it. Among these measures, one of the most effective, at least in the short and medium term, is the establishment of a protection order. Although the special civil Law no. 217/2003 on preventing and combating domestic violence did not provide for this measure at the time of its adoption, it was necessary to introduce it after the famous “Perla Hairdresser” case in Bucharest, in which a woman was killed at work, despite having previously made several complaints against her husband, who was a firearm owner and user by profession. This article aims to study from a legislative and jurisprudential point of view the evolution of the regulation of the protection order and the provisional protection order, in particular with regard to the sanctioning of its violation.
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