
  • Adriana-Iuliana STANCU Dunărea de Jos University, Galati, RO; Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences; Institute of Legal Research from the Romanian Academy
  • Mihaela AGHENIȚEI Dunărea de Jos University, Galati, RO; Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences; Institute of Legal Research from the Romanian Academy



crime, prevention, recidivism, strategies, young people


Crime has risen dramatically in recent decades and its costs have followed. States are spending ever-increasing amounts on health and property, as well as on police, investigative procedures, courts, and prisons. According to a recent      observation, crime control absorbs a considerable percentage of the gross national product (GNP) in developed countries and much higher in less developed countries.

However, these expenditures have had relatively little impact on the crime rate and the rehabilitation of criminals, with the relatively high number of recidivists increasing exponentially.

 As crime resists efforts to combat it, the interest of legal experts has gradually shifted to innovative methods of prevention rather than punishment. Several studies have shown that crime prevention can significantly reduce the number of crimes, as well as reduce their costs.


Ion Anghelescu and collective, Dictionary of Criminalistics, Ed. ȘtiințificășiEnciclopedică, Bucharest, 1984;

C. Bulai, A. Filipaș, C. Mitrache, Institutions of Criminal Law, Ed. Trei, Bucharest, 2001;

Lazăr Cârjan, Mihai Chiper, Criminalistics. Tradition and Modernism, Ed. CurteaVeche, Bucharest, 2009;

Pierre Fernand Ceccaldi, La criminalistique, Presses Universitaires de France, 1962, Paris ;

Constantin Drăghici, Adrian Iacob, Treatise on Forensic Techniques, 2nd ed. Sitech, Craiova, 2009;

Lucian Ionescu, Dumitru Sandu, Forensic Identification, 2nd ed., Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucharest, 2011;

Marcel Le Clère, Manuel de police technique, Éditions Police Revue, Paris, 1974 ;

Edmond Locard, Traité de criminalistique, vol. Eu, Ed. J. Desvigne, Lyon, 1931 ;

Charles E. O'Hara, Fundamentals of criminal investigations, Ed. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, U.S.A., 1970 ;

Jean Nepote, Situation actuelle et tendance d´evolution de la criminalistique, Revue Internationale de Police Criminelle, no. 384, January 1983 ;

Emilian Stancu, Treatise on Criminalistics, 3rd edition, Ed. Universul Juridic, Bucharest, 2004;

Ilie Stoenescu, Savelly Zilberstein, Treatise on Civil Procedural Law, Tipografia Universității București, 1973;

N. Volonciu, Treatise on Criminal Procedure, Ed. Paideia, Bucharest, 2000.




How to Cite

STANCU, A.-I. ., & AGHENIȚEI, M. . (2022). GLOBAL CRIME PREVENTION. International Journal of Legal and Social Order, 1(1).


