The legal relation. A special look at the employment relationship


  • Gabriela-Petruța Știrbu PhD. Student Doctoral School of Sociology and Legal Sciences “Andrei Rădulescu” Legal Research Institute of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania


Cuvinte cheie:

legal relationship; employment relationship; subjects; content; object.


A legal relationship represents the link that is established between two or more people within which they establish their rights and obligations by means of legal norms. This relationship may or may not be contractual in nature, and may involve various areas of law, including civil obligations, individual/collective contract, etc. A legal report consists of three elements: the subjects involved in the report, the rights and obligations of the parties that form the content of the report as well as its object.

The employment relationship represents an important type of legal relationship established between employers and employees. It regulates the conditions under which employees work for the employer, establishing the rights and obligations of both parties. The employment relationship represents an important type of legal relationship established between employers and employees. It regulates the conditions under which employees work for the employer, establishing the rights and obligations of both parties.


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Cum cităm

Știrbu, G.-P. . (2023). The legal relation. A special look at the employment relationship. International Journal of Legal and Social Order, 3(1).