
  • Katarzyna Szlachetko Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Gdańsk



The paper outlines sustainable development in the context of local spatial planning. The purpose of the considerations is to present the importance of sustainable development in the creation of spatial policy, given that it is a legal principle. The normative nature of the principle derives not only from the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, but also from substantive laws. What is more the Law on Spatial Planning and Development stipulates sustainable development as the basis of spatial policy at every level (state and local government). For these reasons, the normative analysis covered the legal anchoring of sustainable development in the Constitution, the Environmental Law and the Law on Planning and Spatial Development. The paper focuses on the effectiveness of implementing sustainable development in local spatial planning policy, since according to the principle of decentralization of public power and subsidiarity, the commune as the basic unit of local government is responsible for managing public space. The legal tools for implementing this spatial policy are presented, taking into account the changes introduced by the major reform of the spatial planning system in 2023. It also assessed whether administrative bodies that make and apply laws refer to sustainable development in their actions. In this regard, reference was also made to the case law of the Supreme Administrative Court and the direction it has recently presented for interpreting norms.

Biografie autor

Katarzyna Szlachetko, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Gdańsk

Dr. Asst. Prof.,  attorney-at-law                    



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Cum cităm

Szlachetko, K. . (2023). THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND LOCAL SPATIAL PLANING CASE STUDY OF POLAND. International Journal of Legal and Social Order, 3(1).