The interaction of emerging technologies with the legal field
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emerging technologies, artificial intelligence, law, digital sustainability.Rezumat
Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently perceived as the most disruptive emerging technology, with more and more members of contemporary society seeing it as a significant driver of job loss. Without understanding the opportunities to transform labor relations through the emergence of new professions and the abandonment of those professions that can be replaced by automation, technologies based on artificial intelligence are considered a formidable adversary of humanity and not a tool created to production processes support. On the other hand, more and more companies are implementing emerging technologies to automate production processes, to optimize management, to implement effective security solutions and to diversify communication.
In this context, we aim to analyse how and in what way emerging technologies will interact with the legal field and propose a picture of future work reports. It is becoming increasingly clear that social resilience also requires an adequate legal framework, able to adapt to the new challenges caused by the digitization of the labor market.
The National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics - ICI Bucharest is concerned with scientific research and applied development, actively involved in ensuring the cyber security of the identity of any person, natural and legal, and through the solutions for the sustainability of the digitalized society, it supports the national effort to ensuring cyber security, an important part of national security.
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