
  • Mariana Floricica Călin Ovidius University of Constanța, Romania
  • Laura- Elena Șerban Ovidius University of Constanța, Romania



Cuvinte cheie:

quality, life, psychologists and sociologists


The Quality of Life dimension has been a permanent concern for both psychologists and sociologists, in their attempt to find out the level of contribution that certain personality traits have on the image of a high Quality of Life. The purpose of the research is to analyze how Extraversion influences personal perception of quality of life and how certain dimensions of Quality of Life influence Emotional Stability. A sample of convenience, consisting of 69 people, was evaluated using the QOLI-Quality of Life Inventory and Five-Factor Personality Inventory (FFPI) from which we chose the Emotional Stability and Extraversion factor. The results showed that there is a direct positive correlation between Extraversion, Emotional Stability and Quality of Life in general. The study showed that a better quality of general life is directly related to our emotional stability. A poor quality of life can lead to sadness, frustration or despair. At the same time, the strong correlation between Extraversion and Quality of Life in general, brings to the fore the importance of extraversion as a mediator of an image of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Biografii autori

Mariana Floricica Călin, Ovidius University of Constanța, Romania



Laura- Elena Șerban, Ovidius University of Constanța, Romania




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Cum cităm

Călin, M. F. ., & Șerban, L.-. E. (2021). EFFECTS OF PERSONALITY TRAITS ON THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN ADULTS. International Journal of Legal and Social Order, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.55516/ijlso.v1i1.31