
  • Cristian Alunaru "Vasile Goldiş" Western University of Arad, Faculty of Legal Sciences, Arad, Romania



Cuvinte cheie:

contract formation, obligations to inform the contracting parties, unfair terms, standard clauses, non-monetary clauses, compensation for non-pecuniary damage


During the timespan of over 150 years that has passed since the adoption of the old Romanian Civil Code (in force until October 1, 2011), a code influenced by the French Civil Code, which was passed almost 220 years ago, there have been large mutations at economic level that have had profound consequences in the social structure. In the two studies, presented by me during the conferences organized under the coordination of Professor Elena-Ana Iancu, I tried to analyze the measures introduced by the new Romanian Civil Code for the protection of the contractual part located in a position of economic inferiority. While in the first study, I managed to analyze only the injury, the hardship, and the reduction of the criminal clause, in this second paper I analyzed most of the other means considered by the new Civil Code for the protection of subjects of economic lower law

Biografie autor

Cristian Alunaru, "Vasile Goldiş" Western University of Arad, Faculty of Legal Sciences, Arad, Romania




More detailed explanations on this topic: Chr. Alunaru, L. Botos, Das Kaufrecht in Rumänien nach dem neuen ZGB (The Sales Agreement in Romania according to the New Civil Code), Chapter III., C. „Rechtlicher Schutz der Willenserklärung. Vorbeugungsmaßnahmen zum Schutz der Willenserklärung. Aufklärungspflicht der Vertragsparteien” (Legal Protection of the Will Expression. Preventive Measures for the Protection of the Will Expression. The Contract Parties' Obligation for Information), Publishing House Nomos – facultas.wuv, Vienna, 2013, p. 60-65.

Alunaru Christian, Erwägungen zum Schmerzensgeldanspruch im gegenwärtigen rumänischen Zivilrecht (Consideration on Moral Damage– praetium doloris- in Contemporary Romanian Civil Law), in Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai series Iurisprudentia no. 4/2010, (online), pp. 5-52.

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Moise, in Baias, Chelaru, Constantinovici, Macavei, (Hrsg), Noul Cod civil. Comentariu pe articole (The New Civil Code. Comment on Articles), (2012), Art. 1184, Rz 6.

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Alunaru Chr., Der Konsumentenschutz in Rumänien (Consumer Law in Romania), in Rudolf Welser (editor.) Konsumentenschutz in Zentral- und Osteuropa (Consumer Protection in Central and Easter Europe), Publishing House Manz, Vienna, 2010




Cum cităm

Alunaru, C. . (2021). OTHER ROMANIAN CIVIL CODE PROVISIONS ON THE MEANS FOR PROTECTING THE SUBJECTS OF LAW IN ECONOMIC INFERIORITY. International Journal of Legal and Social Order, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.55516/ijlso.v1i1.35