
  • Rodica Gabriela Enache “Ovidius” University of Constanța, Romania, The Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
  • Marina-Roxana Cretu


Cuvinte cheie:

professional stress, self-efficacy, emotional intelligence


In this paper we describe some theoretical perspective in the study of professional stress, professional stress in educational environment, causes and forms of manifestation of teacher’s professional stress and a study on the association between professional self-efficacy, emotional intelligence and teacher’s professional stress.

Biografii autori

Rodica Gabriela Enache, “Ovidius” University of Constanța, Romania, The Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Marina-Roxana Cretu


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Cum cităm

Enache, R. G., & Cretu, M.-R. (2021). PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF PROFESSIONAL STRESS ON TEACHERS. International Journal of Legal and Social Order, 1(1).

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