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exceptional situation, very serious dangers, extent of measures, legal effect,Rezumat
From the beginning of the existence of state entities, measures were necessary to maintain and defend them against internal and external dangers. At the beginning, these measures were taken exclusively in military terms, later taking shape also in law and evolving simultaneously with state development. This evolution has outlined other risk factors, which can threaten the existence of the rule of law or the normal development of social, economic and political life. In order to combat these dangers, which can intervene unexpectedly, and to establish the state of normalcy as quickly as possible, the power factors in the state must take energetic and immediate measures.
The content of exceptional states derives from those situations that are beyond the normal state of the rule of law, situations accompanied by serious dangers that may threaten its very existence or the normal development of social, economic and political life.
Constantin Sava and Constantin Monac, Exceptional situations, Forum Publishing House, Bucharest 2000;
The Constitution of Romania, published in M. Of. no. 233/21 November 1991. It was revised by Law no. 429/2003, published in M. Of. no. 758/October 29, 2003 and republished in M. Of. no. 767/31 October 2003 (Constituția României, publicată în M. Of. nr. 233/21 noiembrie 1991. A fost revizuită prin Legea nr. 429/2003, publicată în M. Of. nr. 758/29 octombrie 2003 și republicată în M. Of. nr. 767/31 octombrie 2003)/ OUG nr.1 din 1999 privind regimul stării de asediu şi regimul stării de urgenţă modificată şi completată de Legea nr.164 din 2019;
GEO No. 1 of 1999 regarding the regime of the state of siege and the regime of the state of emergency amended and supplemented by Law No. 164 of 2019;
GEO 21 of 2004 regarding the National Emergency Management System, published in M. Of. no. 361/ April 26, 2004 and republished in M. Of no. 190/March 7, 2005 (OUG 21 din 2004 privind Sistemul Naţional de Management al Situaţiilor de Urgenţă, publicată în M. Of. nr. 361/ 26 aprilie 2004 și republicată în M. Of nr. 190/7 martie 2005);
Lexique de termes juridiques, Edition Dalloz, Paris, 1998, 8 eme ed., 1990, p.222;
Lexicon militar, Editura Militară, Bucureşti, 1980.
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